10 Of My Favorite TV Shows/Series

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
"Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home."
― David Frost

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One to Five

  1. The Office. I've legit watched this show like 20 times. 3 of them were just last year. I don't know what it is but I LOVE The Office. I have this love/hate relationship with Michael Scott. He's so stupid, I wanna slap him but my heart breaks every single time I watch the last episode he's in. And after that, the series just isn't the same. I still watch it but cringe every time I know Michael Scott is no longer the "World's Best Boss".
  2. The Mindy Project. I literally just finished the series and I'm devastated that they're not going to be making another season! I mean, who doesn't love Mindy!? Who wouldn't want to watch her and her quirky personality all the time! And I think I'm partial to loving this show because Mindy was in The Office. But for real, she's just so real in that show and she proves that women don't have to act or look a certain way to be successful and amazing!
  3. Sailor Moon. I'm Asian and I love anime. So there's really no surprise here but growing up, I remember running home an getting all excited to see the new episodes of Sailor Moon. It wasn't until a few years ago that I actually finished the series as YTV didn't have all the episodes aired! I've recently started watching Sailor Moon Crystal and loved it, even more than the original, I just haven't had the time to actually catch up on the series! But I love the new animation style and that Crystal actually follows the manga storyline!
  4. Bob's Burgers. Turthfully, I didn't think I could get into this cartoon. My sister would always talk about it and I thought it just sounded so boring. I was so bored one day so I decdied to throw it on Netflix. After watching the first episode I was just so weirded out by Tina and HATED Linda's voice. I thought Bob was lazy, Gene was annoying and Louise was such a bratty ass kid. But I have fully changed my mind and I love this show! Tina & Gene is fricken hilarious, Linda's voice just matches her, Bob is just Bob and ... I still can't stand Louise.
  5. Stranger Things. Anyone who says they don't like Straner Things is a liar. There's not 1 thing to love about this show. It's this perfect ombination of funny, creepy, gory, loving, amzing, show all in one and I just don't believe anyone when they say they don't like Stranger Things. I mean, the kids are fricken hilarious, but the show has this creepy, crawly vibe! And Eleven is so fricken awesome!

10 Things

Six to Ten

  1. Adventure Time. I'm a kid at heart and love cartoons. But the best part about Adventure Time!? It's a cartoon that has an adult sense of humor. When you first start watching it, you're like "yeah, okay, it's pretty funny." But the deeper you get into it, you start noticing the adult humor and jokes. And Beemo. Beemo makes this show like 100x better!
  2. Parasyte. When Israel first found this anime, I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but I ended up loving this series. I even wished it was longer than the 24 episodes it gives you! It just leaves you wanting more! And some of the episodes are so tragic yet so exciting and it makes your heart ache all at the same time.
  3. Attack on Titan. I hated this anime the first couple episodes in. The only reason I watched it (again) was because Israel said it was suppose to be really good. I found the beginning to be really slow but then it started to get exciting and all these little secrets kept pouring out little by little. Each episode leaves you wanting more! And really, to think Giants could really be that terrible?! I would have never imagined them to be such human hungry beasts!
  4. Scrubs. I've watched this series about 3 times and every single time I do, I just cracks me up! I love JD and Turk's relationship, how Dr. Cox secretly loves JD and the janitor - he's just an evil, funny soul. There are moments that are so cringe worthy yet I can't help myself from watching it. JD is sometimes so self destructive, that you wanna punch him but can't help but sympathize with him and his human nature ways.
  5. Breaking Bad. This show always had me on the edge of my seat. To see Walter White go from sick, school teacher to some big drug lord is thrilling yet scary. And to see how the relationships around him change when he became aware of how much money he could actually make was bone chilling. And poor Jesse, his life was just hard. When things seemed to be going well, something else terrible would happen to him.

10 Things 10 Things

I've had a few others I could name but couldn't justify because I didn't finish the series because I ended up hating the story line or it started to get boring. But some honorable mentions would be Scandal, How To Get Away with Murder, One Piece, Bleach, Grey's Anatomy, Orange is the New Black, Naruto, Suits, Arrested Development, Game of Thrones ... my list could go on for forever. I'm such a huge TV show junkie, it's crazy! And as much as I loved these ones, they don't compare to the ones that made it to my 10 favorites!

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- The Cassie Paige
Photos by Israel

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