What is Fashion To You? ft. Israel

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well."
- Vivienne Westwood

What is Fashion To You? What is Fashion To You?
Israel (@lexiztunes) aka My Husband

I re-did Israel's "What is Fashion To You?" post as I felt my first post of him didn't reflect his sense of fashion! So you've read this post before, it's the same context just new photos to reflect his fashion better!

I started a new segment on my blog to replace my Meet My Family posts. It was hard to get commitment and at some point, I was going to run out of family members to such posts. So I decided to start an What is Fashion To You? segment which is almost the same but it will feature other people in my life. It gives me more content and it will allow you guys to see other people involved in my life as well! So here's to the first, and of course, it's going to feature the most important person in my life, Israel.

Who Are You?

My name is Israel and I'm the guy behind the camera. I'm a Power Engineer with Dow Chemical and I graduated from NAIT as a Chemical Engineering Technologist. I love to take photos, work with Photoshop, draw and I especially love working on my car. I also spend a lot of time working on our house, doing renovations where I can. Basically, anything where I can show off my creativity.

What is Fashion To You? What is Fashion To You?

What Is Your Relationship with The Cassie Paige?

She’s my wife. We’ve been married for close to a year now and we’ve known each other for 8. It honestly doesn't feel like it’s been that long. She truly is my best friend

What is Fashion To You?

What Is Fashion To You?

I don't see fashion as fashion and I don’t consider myself as being fashion forward. to me, clothes are just another way for me to express myself I guess. It’s kind of like putting a body kit on a car (lol). You make it your own.

What is Fashion To You?

I hope you guys enjoy my new segment! Let me know your thoughts on this new segment for my blog!

- The Cassie Paige