― Holly Madison

Zara Lace Dress (similar/similar | Lord & Taylor Boots (here) | Coach Purse (here/here)
It's tough having a pregnant belly! You would never really think it would get in the way THAT much but really it does. I have to be careful while shoveling or anything with a "shoveling" motion so I don't jab myself in the belly, I have difficulties putting my shoes on or bending down to grab anything on the floor and I can't lean up to close to anything because my belly gets in the way. It's just so mind blowing that my belly could grow so big and carry a tiny little human in here! I mean, just a few months ago, I could fit into this slim fitting dresses and now I can barely get any of my tops/shirts to cover my belly! And all my dresses seem to have shrunk an inch or two because of this growing belly. It's just so mind boggling to watch my body change and my life change because of little DK!

We just recently had our baby shower (and thank you to everyone who planned it/came/gave gifts) and it was such a (stressful but) fun time! The shower DK with love and gifts was amazing! We also wanted to do a name reveal because if you haven't figured it out ... DK is not his actual name. It's just his initals of his first and middle name. But we had people leave at so many different times, there was never a right moment to reveal his name. So I guess, it wouldn't hurt to wait a little longer to reveal his name to the world! He's been growing a lot stronger, with his kicks sometimes feeling like I'm being punched from the inside! I've had no issues with his fetal movements (he's suppose to have at least 6 movements in a 2 hour time span) which I was starting to worry about just in case he wouldn't make all his counts.
I recently got my 2nd gestational diabetes test done, which I stressed out hard over because I was really hoping after the first time, it would come out as negative but my results were high and I needed to sit around the lab for ~2 hours to the second test (which was a total bore because Iz was away in Texas when I had to go get it done) but as of yet, I haven't heard any news and no news is suppose to be good news!
Iz and I just need to finish up buying the important things for DK before he comes - like his car seat and a changer for his room! We want to set up a subscription for diapers so that's out of the way for us and just need small things like mittens so DK doesn't end up scratching himself! We're slowly but surely getting there, it just seems like time is creeping up so fast on us but we'll manage to get everything we need said and done before the little guy comes!

The count down has officially begun until Baby DK comes. 10 weeks left and counting! And that's if he happens to make his appearance on his due date! I guess we'll see when the time comes! I just can't wait!
- The Cassie Paige
Photos by Israel
You look amazing babe! Congrats!