Fashion Influencer World

Friday, June 30, 2017
"My femininity is always something I've tried to preserve in this dog-eat-dog world."
- Margaret Smith Court

outfit outfit
Off the Should Dress from Saks off 5th (similar/similar)
Michael Kors Berkley Sandals (similar) | H&M Hat (similar)

Dog-Eat-Dog World

Blogging is a very challenging but rewarding life - especially if you're hoping to make it full time. I wish I could say I was doing full time - career-wise - but I'm not. But I am trying to put in as many hours I can into it. I try to be honest, open and keep it real by being real. But it's not always easy - it's a competitive world. Especially blogging and promoting on Instagram, with its algorithm and people working their Follow/Unfollow tactics. You constantly have to be on top of it.

Instagram has constantly helped boom up the fashion blogging world and on there, it makes it easier for people to start promoting their fashion sense. Don't get me wrong, I love that people can be open and this helps people to express themselves. But at the same time, it makes it harder and harder to be seen. And then Instagram starts to feel like high school - where everything is a popularity contest. If you know someone in the In crowd, then you've got an in. If you weasel your way into the popular group, then people look up to you.

And I'm not that person. I had a faux-hawk in high school, I never really went to class, and I had a small group of friends, and I never really socialized with others.

outfit outfit

Keep it Real

It feels like high school, where I'm trying to be myself but I feel so little and small in such a big world. But that's just how I am. I'm a loner. If I'm not with Israel, I'd rather be at home, watching TV with Berkeley. I'm just not a socializer.

Do I feel like that hinders me as a blogger? Yes but I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm going to be real and being real means I have to be honest to who I am.

outfit outfit

I've learned to just be myself and that if I want to grow, I have to grow my own way!

Shop My Look

- The Cassie Paige
Photos by Israel


  1. Good pictures cute dress, have a good day

  2. Amazing look :)

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