- Anna Sui

WEM's Spring & Summer Fashion Show
I was lucky enough to be invited to WEM's Spring and Summer Fashion Show and to be honest, it was the first fashion show I've ever been too! I've alway wanted to go to WCFW but I never have the time when it's one and I just don't go! But I loved the experience! It was great to see what styles were out for the seasons!

On top of being invited to the event by United Way, we got some a gift bag that contained a Coach tag that you could get engraved at the Coach booth, some champagne for the night, and hors d'oeuvre! The gift bag also contained a Michael Kors gift card, water and some hair product (that I didn't get a chance to see what it does or who made it!).

I'm always honoured to be invited to things like this in Edmonton. It's always amazing to see and participate in such Edmonton events!
- The Cassie Paige
Great event!