{ Wilfred skirt & blazer, Dynamite cropped top, Material Girl necklace, MICHAEL Michael Kors wedges and Guess clutch }
Today has felt like a rough day for me. I felt almost powerless with myself. I felt as though I've accomplished nothing in my life. Yeah - I have a diploma - but I couldn't even find a job I liked. I knew I wasn't cut out for it, I just felt like I needed to have my life started already. But thanks to Israel - he always knows what's to say or how to make me feel better. He's honestly the most supportive person I've ever met in my life. He's knows exactly what to say to make me feel better or talks me into seeing other points of view. He's amazing like that.
But on a more important note - some of you (who have been actually reading) have come across that I refer to some people's name that you can't put a face too. So I decided to dedicate this post to the people who mean to most to me and the people who you'll most hear about on my blog!
Next is my family. My mom, dad, and sisters - Genny (older) & Eskye (younger). My family is far from being the perfect family - but what family is perfect?! I may not always see eye to eye with them either but they're my family - I'll love them regardless. Blood is always thicker than water. Even though it may not seem like I do - or even show that I do - I love my family.
So next is someone that I can't say I care about - Gagan - she's just kinda like my soul mate. I don't even really like her to be honest! So what makes us soul mates? We both love eating food and drinking, we like to make fun of each other that it gets to the point where people give us weird looks, we like to make fun of other people and we even like talking about things we like .... like clothes, nail polish, shoes ... okay so maybe we do like each other a little but that's it. I do however like that she's drama free. This friendship comes with zero tolerance for drama. I think we've both had enough drama with other friends/girls (especially me - even though I'm so nice to people ... I don't get it) that we no longer tolerate it. We believe in having fun and if your not gonna have fun, then we'll basically ignore you.
Kirby and Phil - it's always a good time with you guys.
- Cassie Paige Tejada

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