Okay - has anyone noticed how big the bees are and how many mosquitos we have!?!? Its crazy! I had one bee try to attack me in my washroom because I shooed him off my leg and then Israel had one come after him for pouring soap over him. The bees are actually really scary this year .... and the mosquitos!?!?!? I got at least 10 bites just taking today's outfit photos! AND THEY'RE HUGE!! Those stupid mosquitos - I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to them too because mine grow 5x bigger and sometimes I'll get rashes around them and then they turn into bruises. The only thing I hate about summer .....
As for my outfit - I love this dress. When I first bought it - I loved it - then I took it home and hated it. I hated the length, the shape, the way it fit, the front ... but all of a sudden I put it on today and I love it! I love the length, the shape, the cute front over lay, the way it flows, it way it looks in the wind. I guess it just depends on my mood and season! I also hated the color with my skin tone but that might be because I bought it last summer when I was slightly tanner. Some summers I love getting the bronzed look and other years, I prefer to be pale. I don't know what's wrong with me.
- Cassie Paige Tejada
Photos by Israel
I adore your outer !! xx
Thank you!